Presentation of the GIPP
The GIPP is an interprofessional organization in charge of the regulation of the market, improvement of quality, framing of the professionals and promotion of exports in the aquaculture and fisheries sector in Tunisia.
The Interprofessional Grouping of the Fishery Products (GIPP) is a public corporation of economic interest equipped with the civil responsibility and financial autonomy.
It was created on August 7th, 1995.
Its main mission is the contribution to the development of fishing and the aquaculture in Tunisia.
The GIPP is managed by a Board of directors whose members represent:
The Ministry of Agriculture water ressources and fishing,
The Ministry of Commerce and export promotion,
The Ministry of Finances,
The Ministry of Industry ,energy and mines,
Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishing (UTAP)
Tunisian Union of Industry, the Trade and Craft industry (UTICA)